Giving Tuesday

Everyone knows about Black Friday … that’s the day that we all get great deals at retailers leading up to Christmas. Initially it was fairly common for businesses to get out of the red and into the black financially for the year. We all spend a lot of money on Black Friday because we love our family and friends and want to give them things. After all the Bible does say it’s better to give than it is to receive.

Carrying that thought over a few days, a few years back “Giving Tuesday” was begun as a day of generosity. The Tuesday immediately after Black Friday became one of the biggest donation days of the year for many non-profits, including WAY Radio. If you’d like to take part in this day of generosity, we want to make it easy for you right here on the website. Clicking HERE will take you to our donate page. Thank you for being generous, and in doing so helping to spread the love of Jesus through YOUR radio station.