31 Days To A Better You

Okay, so we’ve all seen the books promising a brand new you in just 10 easy steps, or in only 30 days, or with just a $49 investment in a new product. But, at WAY Radio, we’re convinced that if you’ll listen to only Christian music … like we play on WAY Radio … that in 30 days you’ll have a new mindset. You’re likely to act more like a Christian SHOULD act because you’re filling your mind with Godly things. So, after the Christmas music, stick around and give your mind a 30-day cleanse … a 30-day restart … there’s a book title there somewhere.

In an effort to make it easy on you, not only can you listen on 90.7 FM in the Golden Isles of Georgia, but if you’re traveling, or if you live in a different part of the world, you have easy options. Search for “90.7 WAY Radio” in your app store and download our free app to your phone or smart device. If you have an Alexa, you can enable our skill “90.7 WAY Radio”. And of course you can stream the station from our website using the “Listen Now” button at the top of the home page.

Thanks for giving WAY Radio a try during our presentation of Christmas music, now as we move into 2022, please stick around afterward for some life-changing radio.