Sharathon: Firm Foundation … now on Oct 30!

Ready to give NOW? Click here

When it comes to giving to God’s work, one of the most common responses is this: “I can’t afford to give right now.” For most of us, we can afford to do what we really want to do. We do whatever it takes to pay for what’s most important. It’s not that we can’t give, it’s that we choose NOT to give.

At WAY Radio, we are so thankful that there are many people who CHOOSE to give to WAY Radio financially. Those types of partners keep the Gospel going out through WAY Radio, and we know that God has used WAY Radio to provide for spiritual growth for many … maybe even you!

Sharathon is a time for all of us to provide for one of the things that is important in your life. Your donations will continue to build upon the “Firm Foundation” needed for WAY Radio to be impactful in the community.

Due to the impact of the hurricanes in our area, Sharathon is now scheduled for Wednesday, October 30, 2024. But, you can get your gift of support in now, simply by going to the “donation” portion of our website, RIGHT HERE!

Your early gifts will be used to encourage others to give during the on-air portion of our fundraiser. Thanks so much for clicking the link above now!