Lisa Barry


Hi, I’m Lisa! It is so fun being able to connect with you on WAY Radio! Every day I feel like you and I are just having coffee, talking about all the good, bad and crazy stuff we have to go through, or the funny, unexepected moments that catch us off guard and make us laugh. And then, sometimes, we talk about where we see God working in our lives. We ask tough questions and try to find his path in a world filled with wrong ones. We’re doing life together. In case you’re curious, I’m married to Ken, who is hilarious and he makes me laugh every day. We have three grown daughters, Emily, Molly and Marissa. I love eating healthy and working out, although I also love eating cheese and sitting on the couch watching HGTV, so there’s that constant tension. I also love wrestling with faith issues and shopping for cute clothes; which I realize doesn’t sound like they go together but…we’re all complicated!

Listen weekdays from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.